The ultimate guide to writing an awesome book
Hi, I'm Jacqui Pretty, Founder and Head Editor of Grammar Factory and the author of Book Blueprint – how any entrepreneur can write an awesome book.
A book can turn you into an industry celebrity overnight. Just think – speaking engagements, media opportunities, strategic partnerships and new clients, which are all the result of your paperback.
Essentially, a book is the ultimate business card.
But only if you do it right.

While the idea of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) is getting more popular in entrepreneurial circles, there’s an elephant in the room…
Most books by entrepreneurs aren’t very good. In fact, you could say they suck. Sure, they have flashy covers and catchy titles, but when you open them up, more often than not it’s all sizzle and no steak.
If you’ve been thinking about just pumping out another shallow business book, or recording a few hours of fluffy personal development musings for your VA to transcribe, you’ll find yourself wasting thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to produce a book that won’t make any tangible difference to your business.
In our ultimate guide, you'll get inside information that hundreds of entrepreneurs have already used to find the right book idea, beat writer’s block, get published and leverage their book to double their revenue.

What will you get?
- How a book can transform your business - the 10 reasons every entrepreneur should get published
- Interviews from bestselling entrepreneurs turned authors, one of whom failed high school English!
- The top 7 mistakes entrepreneurs make when writing their books, and what you should do instead
- The 3 keys to finding a bestselling book idea, covered in a free download from my book Book Blueprint
- A 45-minute webinar sharing our number one strategy for writing a great book ... FAST
- Our streamlined 7-step process to self-publish your book - no questions, worries or hiccups require
- Weekly emails to keep you motivated and hold you accountable to writing, publishing and leveraging your book to boost your business