Publishing a business book with Grammar Factory
Publishing | Ghostwriting | Audiobook packages
Grammar Factory Publishing is the premier self-publishing partner for entrepreneurial business owners who understand the benefits that come from being a published author. They're writing and publishing a business book to build their authority and grow their business.
Our clients work with us for a variety of reasons, but invariably, they have both tactical "writing and publishing" questions, as well as more fundamental and strategic business goals they’re looking to achieve. If you’re like the business owners we’ve worked with over the past decade, you too have real, practical, nuts-and-bolts questions about writing and publishing your book.
You've likely arrived at one of the following junctures in your entrepreneur-to-author journey:
Struggling to Start or finish writing
You've committed to writing and publishing a book but are struggling to finish – or even make a start.
Need to expedite the writing effort
You understand the value of authorship, but can’t imagine where you’d find the time to make it happen.
Ready (or nearly ready!) to publish
You’ve nearly finished your manuscript and now want it published to a high, professional standard that enhances your reputation and delivers results.
Wherever you are on your path to published author, we're here to help, from writing support, education, and coaching to collaborative ghostwriting, editing, and world-class, multi-format publishing and distribution.
Why publish a business book?
As entrepreneurs, our clients don't write and publish a book as a vanity project or to check an item off a bucket-list. While the accomplishment may very well achieve a lifelong goal, successful entrepreneurs-turned-authors see their book as a business asset. They've already seen success in business but have now set their sights higher, and know that publishing a professional, high-quality book provides a vital, strategic advantage that will help them compete in the marketplace.
Your book needs to deliver a return on your investment of time and resources, and in our experience, this ROI typically comes from the following areas, which represent the 8 high-impact goals of entrepreneurs who publish a business book:
Whatever your goals, Grammar Factory's publishing services are designed to help you write and publish a high-caliber, professionally published book that you can proudly share with clients, prospects, media, and influencers. You can also sell direct and through our partner network of more than 40,000 online and physical retailers worldwide.

Ilona Charles
CEO and Co-founder at shilo. // Author of HR for Impact
"I could not speak more highly of Scott and the team. They have been exceptional. This was my first book and first time publishing. They provided all the information I needed to put my mind at rest, they were responsive and took all my 'silly' questions in their stride. They call this self-publishing, but really, they did everything! Thank you so much Scott and team for helping me to produce a wonderful looking book and get it published. The feedback has been amazing!"
Publishing PRO™ – Our Flagship Service.
Publishing PRO™ is our flagship publishing package offering everything you need to travel the entrepreneur-to-author journey. In addition to Publishing PRO™, we offer a number of optional add-on packages that deliver advanced support such as writing support, audiobook publishing, ghostwriting, and book marketing support.
Meticulous editing
Many publishers offer entry-level packages that exclude editing (and often proofreading), with you assuming all responsibility for the book's contents. At best, they may offer a single round of generic content editing. This is cheaper and can work well for high-volume, fiction authors or personal projects. But for entrepreneurs hoping to bolster their reputation and that of their business, it's a huge risk.
Publishing PRO includes 4 rounds of edits: structural, semi-structural (including copyediting), pre-layout proofread, and post-layout proofread. Why? Because the quality and professionalism of your book is crucial to the integrity of your brand...and to ours.
Our editing approach is iterative. By that we mean that while each round of edits focusses on a particular type of editing, our editors don't limit themselves exclusively to that type. In the structural edit, they'll also smooth out language and fix obvious errors, for example.
Every Publishing PRO project begins with an editorial kick-off call with your Lead Editor. But what are these different editing types that follow and how do they improve your manuscript?
Structural editing | Stylistic editing | Copyediting | Proofreading |
Overall book and chapter level | Paragraph and sentence level | Sentence and word level | Sentence, word, and layout level |
Eliminate repetitive, unnecessary, irrelevant content. Move content within and across chapters. Identify and recommend new or missing content. ...and so on. | Rephrase awkward sentences. Ensure consistent and appropriate tone and voice. Replacing complex language with clearer alternatives. ...and so on. | Catch spelling mistakes. Fix incorrect use of grammar and punctuation. Ensure consistent application of editorial style decisions (such as local English variant). ...and so on. | Catch remaining typos. Correct any errors introduced during design and layout. Ensure correct and consistent design of page numbers, headings, lists, and the like. ...and so on. |
3-4 weeks | 1-2 weeks | 1-2 weeks | 1 week |
Followed by 4 weeks for author review and revisions. | Followed by 1 week for author review and revisions. | Followed by interior layout and typesetting. | Done alongside author's final review. |
Structural editing (3-4 weeks)
Focused at the overall book and chapter level level to:
Followed by 4 weeks for author review and revisions.
Stylistic editing (1-2 weeks)
Focused at the paragraph and sentence level to:
Followed by 1 week for author review and revisions.
Copyediting (1-2 weeks)
Focused at the sentence and word level to:
Followed by interior layout and typesetting.
Proofreading (1 week)
Focused at the sentence, word, and layout level to:
Done alongside author's final review.
We’re respectful but we don’t sugar-coat. You’ll get clear, unambiguous notes about the changes made, with those changes tracked so you can review them in detail.
We know you’re busy, so your editor will make most of the edits for you, with the exception of writing new content from scratch. And when we recommend adding new content? Your editor will provide very clear guidance about where it's needed, why and the points that should be covered.
Note: If you’ve already had your manuscript professionally edited or you've worked closely with a Grammar Factory Approved™ writing coach, you may be eligible for the Expedited Publishing PRO package, which begins with a copyedit instead of a structural edit, reducing both the cost and time-to-market. If in doubt, we're happy to provide a manuscript assessment to determine what's needed to bring out your best book, the fees for which are 100% credited towards your Publishing PRO package.
Multi-format cover design
Your publishing packaging includes professional cover-wrap (front, back, and spine) design by our award-winning design team. We’ll first gather your input to create a design brief, and your designer will create multiple designs (usually between 8 and 10). From here, you may see one that grabs you and we’ll iterate that until it’s right. Or you may see elements you like from multiple concepts, and we’ll come back with additional variations that incorporate those elements together. If none of them hit the mark, we’ll take that as input and come back with another set of concepts for you to review.
Once approved, we do all pre-press production for print formats and adapt the design for eBook and audiobook (if applicable).
Each of our publishing packages includes unlimited revisions, so you can be certain you'll have a cover design that you love. Here is a sampling of some of our recent covers.

Internal layout and typesetting
Good design can make your book easier to read, help your messages stick, and leave your reader with a more positive impression about you, the value you’ve shared, and the quality of your brand. Your layout artist will start by designing a couple of chapters so you can see how we propose treating the body text, headings, titles, tables, bulleted and numbered lists, graphic elements, page numbers and every other detail that impacts the effectiveness of your message.
Once you’ve reviewed the sample, we’ll make revisions to the overall design before pulling in the entire, proofread text. At this point, you’ll have another chance to review your book, cover to cover, and flag any final changes you’d like addressed. You may provide up to 25 publish-ready graphics, charts, tables, diagrams, images or other visuals. Or, if you prefer, we can arrange for the creation of graphics based on your rough sketches (rates for this vary, depending on the style and complexity).

Multi-format publishing
Different readers prefer different book formats. And as an entrepreneur, you'll find that each format serves a unique purpose when it comes to your business strategy. For this reason, Publishing PRO includes the following formats:
Additional highlights of Publishing PRO
Optional title testing | Struggling to choose between multiple titles? We can help with qualitative and quantitative data to inform the decision, including professional insight from our editorial team and third-party surveys to a targeted audience of readers. | |
Print-on-demand setup for automated printing and fulfillment | We set your book up so that you can order as many or as few copies as you wish at any time with as little as 2-3 weeks. You'll also avoid having to print, stock, and ship inventory to supply retailers, which will be automatically fulfilled on an on-demand basis. | |
Initial print-run | While print-on-demand offers flexibility to order books as needed, your package includes an initial print-run of 50 paperback copies (or 25 hardcovers) that you can use immediately to give to clients, partners and other important stakeholders (like your mom). Need more from the get-go? Let us know and we can easily arrange it. | |
Global distribution | Through our multiple distribution partnerships, we distribute your print and eBook editions globally including making it available to a total network of more than 40,000 distribution end-points (including Amazon, Apple, Booktopia, Barnes & Noble, Chapters-Indigo, Kindle, Kobo, Rakuten, and many more). | |
Full content rights ownership | You retain 100% of the rights to your book, in all formats and territories, forever. And you have complete flexibility to leverage it however you wish, a vital requirement for maximizing your total return on investment. | |
Full creative control | Our expert team will provide strong, professional recommendations on all aspects of your book based on decades of experience. However, you are in control at all times, and unlike traditional publisher/author relationships, you have full approval rights at every stage, and we will not make any changes without you being aware of, agreeing to, and approving them. | |
100% net royalties | Your book is your book, and that includes the revenue it generates. We believe that a 100% professional service model is the best model to align our incentives with yours, so you're free to gift your book to prospects, sell it to readers, or leverage it in any other way that supports your business strategy. | |
Core marketing assets | While we also offer deeper marketing services, every Publishing PRO package includes the core set of marketing assets. This includes your author bio and photo(s), book synopsis and description, and book thumbnail images. We'll also create social media launch assets to promote your book through our owned channels and will share those with you to use as well if you wish. |
Optional title testing
Struggling to choose between multiple titles? We can help with qualitative and quantitative data to inform the decision, including professional insight from our editorial team and third-party surveys to a targeted audience of readers.
Print-on-demand setup for automated printing and fulfillment
We set your book up so that you can order as many or as few copies as you wish at any time with as little as 2-3 weeks. You'll also avoid having to print, stock, and ship inventory to supply retailers, which will be automatically fulfilled on an on-demand basis.
Initial print-run
While print-on-demand offers flexibility to order books as needed, your package includes an initial print-run of 50 paperback copies (or 25 hardcovers) that you can use immediately to give to clients, partners and other important stakeholders (like your mom). Need more from the get-go? Let us know and we can easily arrange it.
Global distribution
Through our multiple distribution partnerships, we distribute your print and eBook editions globally including making it available to a total network of more than 40,000 distribution end-points (including Amazon, Apple, Booktopia, Barnes & Noble, Chapters-Indigo, Kindle, Kobo, Rakuten, and many more).
Full content rights ownership
You retain 100% of the rights to your book, in all formats and territories, forever. And you have complete flexibility to leverage it however you wish, a vital requirement for maximizing your total return on investment.
Full creative control
Our expert team will provide strong, professional recommendations on all aspects of your book based on decades of experience. However, you are in control at all times, and unlike traditional publisher/author relationships, you have full approval rights at every stage, and we will not make any changes without you being aware of, agreeing to, and approving them.
100% net royalties
Your book is your book, and that includes the revenue it generates. We believe that a 100% professional service model is the best model to align our incentives with yours, so you're free to gift your book to prospects, sell it to readers, or leverage it in any other way that supports your business strategy.
Core marketing assets
While we also offer deeper marketing services, every Publishing PRO package includes the core set of marketing assets. This includes your author bio and photo(s), book synopsis and description, and book thumbnail images. We'll also create social media launch assets to promote your book through our owned channels and will share those with you to use as well if you wish.
Package Pricing.
We offer our flagship Publishing PRO package with an expedited variant for authors who've worked closely with a Grammar Factory Approved™ writing coach.
Note: Pricing assumes 30,000- to 45,000-word submitted manuscript. Fees will be prorated up or down outside this range.
4 x $4,375
Publishing PRO (Standard)
Takes your complete, draft manuscript from Word file, to professionally published book in as little as 4 months.
― ~4.5 Months ―
4 rounds of professional editing
(Structural, semi-structural, pre-layout proofread, post-layout proofread)
Custom cover design with unlimited revisions
Custom internal layout design
Paperback, reflowable eBook (Kindle/EPUB), PDF eBook, and optional hardcover.
2-chapter lead-magnet
ISBNs, barcodes, BISAC codes and national library registration(s)
Automated print-on-demand and fulfillment
50-paperback-copy initial print-run of your book
Professional eBook design and file conversion
Global print and eBook distribution with access to 40,000+ bookstores, online stores, libraries and wholesalers
Editing and packaging of your author bio, book description, testimonials, author photo(s), and cover thumbnail images
Launch announcement to GF social channels and guest appearance on the Entrepreneur to Author podcast
Full creative control
Full content rights ownership
100% net royalties
Ongoing listing maintenance, sales reporting, royalty payments, as-needed coordination of book reprints and bulk book orders
4 x $3,250
Publishing PRO (Expedited)
Eligibility limited to authors who have worked closely with a Grammar Factory Approved™ writing coach.
― ~2.5 Months ―
3 rounds of professional editing
(Copyedit, pre-layout proofread, post-layout proofread)
Custom cover design with unlimited revisions
Custom internal layout design
Paperback, reflowable eBook (Kindle/EPUB), PDF eBook, and optional hardcover.
2-chapter lead magnet
ISBNs, barcodes, BISAC codes and national library registration(s)
Automated print-on-demand and fulfillment
50-paperback-copy initial print-run of your book
Professional eBook design and file conversion
Global print and eBook distribution with access to 40,000+ bookstores, online stores, libraries and wholesalers
Editing and packaging of your author bio, book description, testimonials, author photo(s), and cover thumbnail images
Launch announcement to GF social channels and guest appearance on the Entrepreneur to Author podcast
Full creative control
Full content rights ownership
100% net royalties
Ongoing listing maintenance, sales reporting, royalty payments, as-needed coordination of book reprints and bulk book orders
Accelerator+ Add-ons.
Accelerator add-ons layer specialized services on top of a Publishing PRO package to meet the needs of authors looking for additional support in specific areas.
STEPS™ Guided Authorship Program
for 12 months, $23,880 total
Access Grammar Factory editorial expertise throughout the writing and publishing process.
2-day Book Blueprint workshop based on the bestselling book by the same name
Bi-weekly publisher calls
Access to Entrepreneur to Author Select Community
3 x developmental edits
GF Strategy Edit™
Full publishing services
Global distribution
Audio Advantage™
or $3,990 + recording/engineering fees if you prefer to self-narrate
(save 10% when booked at the same time as Publishing PRO)
Access the fastest growing segment in publishing with an audiobook edition of your book.
Additional edit to optimize for audio
Author narration or casting of suitable talent
Audio recording and engineering with remote record for self-narration
Audiobook cover artwork adapted from your print cover design
Audio mastering and packaging of audiobook for distribution
Global distribution to 40+ listening platforms, including Audible, iTunes, Google Play, and more
Note: Assumes 30,000- to 45,000-word manuscript. Fees prorated up or down outside this range.
Collaborative Ghostwriting™
$1,200 per 1,000 words
Turn your book concept, ideas, and pre-existing content into a professionally written, published book, while you focus on your business.
Book Blueprint workshop to crystalize your book concept, capture your authentic ideas, and define your detailed structure
Professional, collaborative ghostwriting to pen your book for you, in your authentic voice
Integration of your existing, multi-platform content, if applicable
Research and up to 3 x 1-hour interviews to fill out content gaps, if required
GF Viz™
Enhance your manuscript with professionally developed, print-ready visuals that support your message.
Creation of high-resolution, print-ready line-art visuals for your book, based on your rough sketches or digital mock-ups
Flexibly add as few or as many visuals to your package as needed
Includes a variety of high-impact types of visuals, including: Diagrams, charts and graphs, icons and symbols, stylized tables, stylized text, and more.
Choose from our in-house set of styles: Clean-Crisp, Whiteboard Sketch, or The Iconic

Michael Schlosser
Founder at SimX Strategy // Author of Business Simulated
Definite 5 Stars!
"As a first time author, it has been exceptionally valuable to have someone to help with the end-to-end process from editing to book launch! The Grammar Factory team has been great to work with and made the entire process easy and enjoyable. I have no idea how I would have done this without their support. Definite 5 stars!"
Why we're different.
We’re the preferred choice for entrepreneurs and business leaders like you, because we’re noticeably different.

Deliver Business Results
Our publishing for entrepreneurs is exclusively focused on books that deliver business results. No fiction. No kids books. No poetry.

We don’t compromise on quality. Your book is your brand, so it had better enhance it.

Collaborative ghostwriting and coached writing programs get your book done quickly so you can focus on your business.

Our proprietary STEPS Method and Book Blueprint system demystify the writing process, getting you from idea to outline to published book, quickly.

We don’t keep any of your book royalties, and you always own 100% of your intellectual property, in all formats, everywhere.

Ciara Lancaster
Keynote Speaker // Media Contributor and Columnist at CEO World // Best-selling author of Reimagine Change
A wonderful experience from start to finish
"If you are considering working with Grammar Factory Publishing, do it! Working with Scott and the entire team made my journey of becoming an author and giving my readers a book filled with immense value a reality. The structured process and personable approach over 6+ months made all the difference. I look forward to working together on future projects."
Ready to get started?
If you’re ready to turn your Word document into a book that builds your authority and grows your business, book an obligation-free publishing consultation.
In this consultation, you’ll get: