The Book Blueprint | The Full-On | The Edit + | The Coached | The PRO | |
Turns your book idea into a workable strategy and writing plan using the Book Blueprint method. | Turns your first draft into a publish-ready manuscript. | Turns your first draft manuscript into a meticulously edited, professionally published paperback and eBook. | Supports you from concept throughout your writing effort delivering a expertly written, published book that gets results. | Turns your book concept and ideas into a professionally written, published book, while you focus on running your business. | |
TYPICAL DURATION | 2 days | 10 weeks | 4 months | 8 months | 6 months |
WRITING SUPPORTSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
2-day Book Blueprint workshop | |||||
Author-entrepreneur resources | |||||
Weekly coaching calls | |||||
Ongoing check-ins and support | |||||
Strategy and planningSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Book strategy and positioning | |||||
Book outline | |||||
Book Blueprint content plan | |||||
Writing plan | |||||
WritingSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Book research | |||||
Professional ghostwriting | |||||
EditingSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
1st round edit (structural) | |||||
2nd round edit (semi-structural) | |||||
3rd round edit (proofread) | |||||
Audiobook edit | |||||
DesignSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Cover design | |||||
Unlimited cover revisions | |||||
Interior layout design | |||||
PublishingSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Batchable | |||||
ISBN(s) | |||||
Barcode(s) | |||||
Copyright | |||||
National library registration | |||||
ProductionSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
eBook conversion | |||||
Print-on-demand (POD) conversion | |||||
Audiobook casting | |||||
Audiobook production | |||||
PrintingSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
50 Paperback Additional copies available at cost (no mark-up) | |||||
Global DistributionSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Print distribution | |||||
eBook distribution | |||||
Audiobook distribution | |||||
MARKETING ASSETSSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Author bio | |||||
Book description | |||||
Cover thumbnails | |||||
Author case study | |||||
Book website landing page | |||||
PDF lead magnet | |||||
12 blog posts | |||||
52 social posts | |||||
52 social images | |||||
OTHER BENEFITSSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Full creative control | |||||
Full intellectual property / content rights ownership | |||||
Full book royalties | |||||
Money back guarantee | |||||
MARKETING ACTIVITYSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste nat error voluptem accustium doloremque laudantium.
| |||||
Amazon bestseller campaign | |||||
Media release | |||||
Media release distribution | |||||
Marketing plan consultation | |||||
The Book Blueprint Workshop
Turns your book idea into a workable strategy and writing plan using the Book Blueprint method.
Typical duration 2 days
Writing support
- 2-day Book Blueprint workshop
- Author-entrepreneur resources
Strategy and planning
- Book strategy and positioning
- Book outline
- Book Blueprint content plan
- Writing plan
Other benefits
- Full creative control
- Full intellectual property / content rights ownership
- Full book royalties
- Money back guarantee
The Full-On Edit
Turns your first draft into a publish-ready manuscript.
Typical duration 10 weeks
- 1st round edit (structural)
- 2nd round edit (semi-structural)
- 3rd round edit (proofread)
- Audiobook edit
Other benefits
- Full creative control
- Full intellectual property / content rights ownership
- Full book royalties
- Money back guarantee
The Edit + Publish
Turns your first draft manuscript into a meticulously edited, professionally published paperback and eBook.
Typical duration 4 months
- 1st round edit (structural)
- 2nd round edit (semi-structural)
- 3rd round edit (proofread)
- Audiobook edit
- Cover design
- Unlimited cover revisions
- Interior layout design
- Batchable
- ISBN(s)
- Barcode(s)
- Copyright
- National library registration
- eBook conversion
- Print-on-demand (POD) conversion
- Audiobook casting
- Audiobook production
- 50 Paperback Additional copies available at cost
Global distribution
- Print distribution
- eBook distribution
- Audiobook distribution
Marketing assets
- Author bio
- Book description
- Cover thumbnails
- Author case study
- Book website landing page
- PDF lead magnet
- 12 blog posts
- 52 social posts
- 52 social images
Other benefits
- Full creative control
- Full intellectual property / content rights ownership
- Full book royalties
- Money back guarantee
Marketing activity
- Amazon bestseller campaign
- Media release
- Media release distribution
- Marketing plan consultation
The Coached Writing Plan
Supports you from concept throughout your writing effort delivering a expertly written, published book that gets results.
Typical duration 8 months
Writing support
- 2-day Book Blueprint workshop
- Author-entrepreneur resources
- Weekly coaching calls
- Ongoing check-ins and support
Strategy and planning
- Book strategy and positioning
- Book outline
- Book Blueprint content plan
- Writing plan
- 1st round edit (structural)
- 2nd round edit (semi-structural)
- 3rd round edit (proofread)
- Audiobook edit
- Cover design
- Unlimited cover revisions
- Interior layout design
- Batchable
- ISBN(s)
- Barcode(s)
- Copyright
- National library registration
- eBook conversion
- Print-on-demand (POD) conversion
- Audiobook casting
- Audiobook production
- 50 Paperback Additional copies available at cost
Global distribution
- Print distribution
- eBook distribution
- Audiobook distribution
Marketing assets
- Author bio
- Book description
- Cover thumbnails
- Author case study
- Book website landing page
- PDF lead magnet
- 12 blog posts
- 52 social posts
- 52 social images
Other benefits
- Full creative control
- Full intellectual property / content rights ownership
- Full book royalties
- Money back guarantee
Marketing activity
- Amazon bestseller campaign
- Media release
- Media release distribution
- Marketing plan consultation
Turns your book concept and ideas into a professionally written, published book, while you focus on running your business.
Typical duration 6 months
Writing support
- 2-day Book Blueprint workshop
- Author-entrepreneur resources
- Weekly coaching calls
- Ongoing check-ins and support
Strategy and planning
- Book strategy and positioning
- Book outline
- Book Blueprint content plan
- Writing plan
- Book research
- Professional ghostwriting
- 1st round edit (structural)
- 2nd round edit (semi-structural)
- 3rd round edit (proofread)
- Audiobook edit
- Audiobook distribution
- Cover design
- Unlimited cover revisions
- Interior layout design
- Batchable
- ISBN(s)
- Barcode(s)
- Copyright
- National library registration
- eBook conversion
- Print-on-demand (POD) conversion
- Audiobook casting
- Audiobook distribution
- Audiobook production
- Audiobook distribution
- 50 Paperback Additional copies available at cost
Global distribution
- Print distribution
- eBook distribution
- Audiobook distribution
Marketing assets
- Author bio
- Book description
- Cover thumbnails
- Author case study
- Book website landing page
- PDF lead magnet
- 12 blog posts
- 52 social posts
- 52 social images
Other benefits
- Full creative control
- Full intellectual property / content rights ownership
- Full book royalties
- Money back guarantee
Marketing activity
- Amazon bestseller campaign
- Media release
- Media release distribution
- Marketing plan consultation
The following add-ons can be added to some of the packages above.
Audiobook Add-on
Can be added to The Edit + Print, The Coached Writing Plan, and The PRO Ghostwrite packages.
Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry today, with the proliferation of listening apps, home smart-speakers, and in-car, connected audio. Business, professional, and self-help titles are particularly popular audio genres as ambitious listeners look to make productive use of commutes, workouts, and other “between times”.
Book Blueprint Workshop
The Audiobook Add-on includes:
Marketing Add-on
Can be added to The Edit + Print, The Coached Writing Plan, and The PRO Ghostwrite packages.
Your book is a treasure trove of content that is ready and waiting to be used in a myriad of promotional ways, but many authors struggle to find the time to adapt it in a relevant way to the social and other media platforms that are important to their audience. The Marketing Add-on removes this barrier and gives you a full 12 months of professionally created, ready-to share content that supports your book, your brand, and your business.
Marketing Add-on
The Marketing Add-on includes: