Author of The Innovation Recipe: Key Ingredients for World-class Results in Big Business, Jenny Vandyke believes that innovation and cooking have a lot in common.
Having worked with senior leaders at Australia’s biggest organisations for over ten years, including National Australia Bank, BHP Billiton, ANZ Bank and KMPG, Jenny knows that, unfortunately, owning a shiny
European oven doesn’t automatically turn you in to a world-class chef. The reality is, if you are serious about innovation, you need to equip your team with the right recipe for success.
The Innovation Recipe
Rather than leaving companies to assume that a great idea or new technology will lead to breakthrough innovations, her Innovation Recipe helps business leaders turn great ideas into great results every time.
In this interview Jenny shares her experience of drafting a 54,000 word manuscript in just six weeks, the self-publishing process that followed, and the immediate results being a published author had on her business.