Entrepreneurs are engines of change, transforming our world through their knowledge, expertise, and influence. In doing so, they transform your own life, and those of their families, their customers, and their communities.
At Grammar Factory, we’re passionate about this power for change and bringing entrepreneurs' books into the world is our way of helping them do just that.
But the impact of our entrepreneurs-turned-authors doesn’t stop there.
We know that there are children who have immense potential to be leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents in their own right. But through no fault of their own, they’re stuck in unbearable situations that limit their potential to live the life they deserve.
We also know that a child in school is a child who’s less likely to end up in the drug trade, human trafficking, armed conflict, or countless other desperate scenarios that are fueled by limited access to education and lack of economic opportunity.
The United Nations, in 2015, identified seventeen sustainable development goals (SDGs) designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all", and we at Grammar Factory have aligned ourselves to two of these: SDG #4 (Quality Education), and #13 (Climate Action).

The objective of SDG #4 is to "ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
To this end, I’m both proud and honoured to partner with Save the Children, a world leader in reaching and helping the most vulnerable children in 114 countries around the world. Every day, this incredible organisation ensures that children survive, are protected from harm, and have the opportunity to learn. When crisis strikes, they’re the first on the ground and the last to leave, helping children regardless of who they are or where they live.
What does that have to do with Grammar Factory authors?
Whenever a Grammar Factory author's book is published, we make a donation to Save the Children that provides tuition to a vulnerable child who’s lost both their parents as well as to cover the supplies they need to get the most out of their schooling. Thanks to our authors, these at-risk kids know that they are not forgotten.
In 2020, the following Grammar Factory authors published their books and leave a legacy, not only through their words, but also in providing much needed educational support for an orphaned child:
To learn more about about these books, please see our 2020 reading list. To learn more about Grammar Factory's support for UN SDG #13 (Climate Action), please see our Carbon Neutral Publishing Commitment.