Behind the scenes of my self-publishing journey

Opening the kimono: Behind the scenes of my self-publishing journey

Last year I started to get a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’d worked with tens of entrepreneurs on their manuscripts by that stage and printed book after printed book started arriving in the mail. As my pile of client books grew, a nagging little voice spoke up in the back of my mind: ‘Where’s your book?’

For over a year I’d been helping entrepreneurs write awesome books. While I could laugh away the fact that I didn’t have a book of my own at the beginning  of my business journey, at the twelve-month point it just started getting awkward.

So I took the plunge and decided to write Book Blueprint: How any entrepreneur can write an awesome book. Suddenly I found myself on the same journey as my clients – plagued by procrastination and doubt, getting not-so-positive editing feedback, and struggling to find the time to project manage a book around my business.

Now that I’m only a few weeks away from my first print run, I feel it’s time to open the kimono and let you in on my self-publishing journey – mistakes, triumphs and everything in between. So over the coming months I’ll be writing posts on my experience of each stage of the self-publishing process:

Whether you’re considering writing and self-publishing a book and don’t know what to expect, or you’re in the process and want to know you’re not alone, this series is for you.

You can sign up for regular updates and the first two chapters of my new book, Book Blueprint, below.