Every year my team and I are lucky enough to work with incredible entrepreneurs and business people – people who have a tonne of knowledge to share, and an audience they want to help, and just need a hand transforming that knowledge into a book.
So I’m excited to share the publishing projects we’ve worked on this year!
Curious about one book in particular? Jump straight to the title that takes your fancy using these links:
28 Tips for Teenagers | Amplify | Be Amazing! | Breaking Up Without Breaking Down | Build It and the Money Will Come | Building Home | The Deliberate Digital Marketer | The Digital Utility | End of the Retirement Age | The Future of the Sales Profession | Journey to 100 | A Practical Guide to Behavioural Leadership | The Australian Career Passport | Fit, Fab and Fifty+ | Happy Lawyer, Happy Life | Quantum Success | Reinvent Your Personal Safety | Seven Freedom Elements
Books published by Grammar Factory
28 Tips for Teenagers – Craig Goddard

Craig Goddard is a successful business owner, speaker and teenage mentor who believes that every teenager can reach their full potential, especially if they make the most of their opportunities.
In 28 Tips for Teenagers, Craig identifies a range of simple yet powerful skills that can have a big impact in supporting teenagers to achieve their personal goals. The tips and techniques in this book are simple, straightforward and easy to implement, but will help launch teenagers on a road to personal and professional success.
How has he gone since releasing his book earlier this year? He’s been interviewed on a range of metro and regional radio stations, including Gold 104.3, Bay 93.9, 3BA, K Rock, Triple M, 3AW, FIVEaa and ABC Radio.
He’s also the first author we’ve had where I’ve found myself fielding calls from bookstores eager to get his book on shelves!
Learn more about 28 Tips for Teenagers at tipsforteenagers.com.au
Amplify – Ronsley Vaz

Did you know that every single customer conversion in your business has happened as the result of a conversation?
Ronsley Vaz is the founder of Amplify, Australia’s audio marketing agency.
In his book, also called Amplify, he shares a 7-step framework to utilise and leverage the power of conversation which will, in turn, dramatically accelerate your business growth.
Just some of what you’ll learn:
Whether you have a small business or a large one, Amplify is a must-read for any entrepreneur who is ready to grow their audience, increase their sales and become a market leader.
Learn more about Amplify and order a copy at mustamplify.com/the-amplify-book
Be Amazing! – Ben Newsome

Think back to your first feelings when you entered school as a student teacher, and how you were prepared to try anything to get the kids actively involved in your lessons …
Ben Newsome is the founder of Fizzics Education, whose mission is inspiring kids to learn more about the world around them (if you have kids, check out the home science experiments on Ben’s blog – they’re very cool).
This book takes primary teachers through the practical and realistic ways they can teach the kind of science that kids care about.
With engaging science experiments, effective role-play scenarios and useful digital technologies, readers learn how to address students’ science misconceptions, teach science with limited resources and ensure primary students can work to the scientific method in fun challenges.
Ben believes a teacher’s job isn’t just about ‘teaching’ … their job is to inspire!
Learn more about Be Amazing! At fizzicseducation.com.au/be+amazing+book
Breaking Up Without Breaking Down – Dr Tina Sinclair, Marguerite Picard and Tricia Peters

A bad divorce hurts everyone in the family, the extended family and the friendship circle.
Your children could get caught in the middle of arguments, and find themselves in the role of messenger or peacekeeper. You and your spouse could get so caught up in the conflict and in claiming what you feel is rightfully yours that you lose sight of everything you used to love and respect about this person you had planned to spend your life with, until nothing but bitterness remains.
And eventually, when the dust settles, once you realise that the fight wasn’t worth it and you should have done it differently, all you have created is a lifetime of conflict.
The good thing is that it doesn’t have to be this way.
In Breaking Up Without Breaking Down, the multi-disciplinary team of Marguerite Picard (family lawyer), Tricia Peters (financial planner) and Dr Tina Sinclair (psychologist) reveal that divorcing couples don’t need to fight tooth and nail for every last cent until they can’t stand to be in the same room as each other.
It’s possible to have a divorce where, even though spouses might be hurting, they agree to focus on making the best of it, for themselves, their children, and the people who care about their family. Breaking Up Without Breaking Down shows them how.
Learn more at melca.com.au
Build It and the Money Will Come – Tony Dimitriadis

Are you frustrated with your financial position? Would you like to keep more of what you earn in your own pocket? Do you want more control over your business and your life?
If this sounds like you, accountant and director of AD Partners Tony Dimitriadis teaches ambitious small business owners how to avoid financial pitfalls, increase their profits and take control of their businesses and their lives.
Build It and the Money Will Come demystifies financial management in a simple and practical way. Written by another ambitious small business owner who has been exactly where his readers are today, this is a book that focuses on the real issues facing small business owners and targets those issues in a simple, five-step framework any business owner can implement.
Tony's done a fantastic job with promoting his book, and it's been very well received, including being named Money Magazine's book of the month in August 2017!

Learn more and get your copy at buildit-book.com.au
Building Home – Natalie Stevens

In Building Home boutique property developer Natalie Stevens shares the knowledge she’s gained working within her family business, which has provided more than 1,000 families with the perfect place to build their home. If you ever had doubts about choosing to build, then doubt no more. You’re about to learn why building puts you a big step ahead.
In this book, you’ll learn how to:
Natalie’s Home Build in a Box system shows you just how easy it can be to have the perfect plan in place to build your new home. The five-step journey tells you exactly where to start, where to turn and what to look out for along the way. What’s more, it unleashes a mountain of value that you never knew existed.
Since publishing her book earlier this year, Natalie’s been approached by two of the big four banks about ways they can work together (stay tuned for more updates on this!), and she’s also turned her content into a course that will be marketed Australia-wide.
Learn more about Building Home at buildinoz.com.au/building-home/
The Deliberate Digital Marketer – Louisa Dahl

The digital industry is under immense change. If you’re a digital marketer, how you work, what you work on and who you work with is evolving. If there was ever a time to position yourself for future opportunities, this is it.
The Deliberate Digital Marketer outlines the six simple steps you can take to become an in-demand digital marketing expert. Written by experienced marketer and business expert Louisa Dahl, this book includes input from marketers around the world who share insights into their success.
If you want to take your career to the next level and access the results, recognition and opportunities available, this is a must-read book.
At the time of writing, Louisa’s only been published for a few weeks, so it’s still very early days. However, she did get the opportunity to present at We Are Podcast about how to be deliberate in attracting opportunities. She’s also created a Free 7 Day Digital Marketer Challenge.
Learn more about The Deliberate Digital Marketer at interactiveminds.com/book
The Digital Utility – Wayne Pales

Electric utility executives face a lot of challenges, including increasing regulatory uncertainty, disheartened consumers, and balancing short-term returns with long-term sustainability.
Energy consultant Wayne Pales provides a simple, yet powerful, six-step framework that will set you up for future success. Readers will learn how to leverage energy data to provide services customers want, gain support from relevant stakeholders, and drive business growth.
Just some of what Wayne shares in The Digital Utility includes:
Learn more about Wayne at waynepales.com.
End of the Retirement Age – David Kennedy

Your retirement is fast approaching. It should be a time of celebration, but you have more questions than answers.
Will you struggle to fill your days with meaningful activities? Will you lose your sense of identity and purpose? Will you outlive your money?
The combination of longer life expectancies, declining government support, and a reduction in job security, means you need to completely rethink your approach to this phase of life.
Fortunately, there is hope.
In End of the Retirement Age, retirement planning specialist David Kennedy presents an optimistic exploration of the forces shaping the retirement landscape, the economic opportunities of an ageing population, and the inspiring ways a generation is redefining retirement in pursuit of meaning, purpose and prosperity.
Only published in October, David’s book has already been the focus of a bit of a media frenzy over the last eight weeks, including features on:
He also has an interview scheduled on SKY Business with Peter Switzer for December 19th, so be sure to tune in!
Learn more about End of the Retirement Age at endoftheretirementage.com
The Future of the Sales Profession – Graham Hawkins

B2B sales is harder than ever before.
Product lifecycles are getting shorter, sales cycles are getting longer, there are more competitors entering the market, and buyers are doing most of their research online before they even call you. When a sales person finally gets the meeting, buyers only want the best price.
Despite all of this, sales managers keeps asking for more – more calls, more meetings, more pipeline, faster, faster, faster!
Many B2B sales people are finding themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place – a more challenging sales environment than ever before on one side, and ever-increasing quotas and expectations on the other.
There are only two options: wait and see how it all unfolds, or fight for their careers and their livelihood.
In The Future of the Sales Profession, sales leader Graham Hawkins shares the cold, hard truths about the new realities facing the sales profession, and how you can protect and enhance your career.
Learn more and get your copy at transformsales.com.au/product/the-future-of-the-sales-profession
Journey to 100 – Nick Muxlow

Have you ever wanted to run a 100km ultramarathon? And not just run it, but enjoy it and make it to the finish?
But what will it take to improve your ultra running and achieve the results you want?
Nick Muxlow is an ultramarathon coach and founder of The Ultra Journey . He has competed in seven Ironman races, won both the State Trail Championships and State Ultramarathon Championships, and finished the Ultra Trail Australia (100km) in under 11.5 hours on his first attempt.
He believes that the biggest challenge ultra runners face is not their lack of motivation or determination. The biggest challenge ultra runners face is their lack of preparation and training.
In Journey to 100, Nick teaches readers how to prepare and train for their next ultramarathon. By the end of the book, you will have unlocked an unwavering belief in yourself, and will know at the start line that you willcross the finish line.
Learn more about Journey to 100 at theultrajourney.com/journey-to-100
A Practical Guide to Behavioural Leadership – Arjan Molenkamp

Are you eager to find out how to groom employees and grow customer satisfaction while creating great performance?
The need for organisations to change is bigger than ever before, with the impact of disruptive technical developments on the competitive landscape, a new generation of employees seeking greater engagement and purpose, and changing customer expectations.
In A Practical Guide to Behavioural Leadership, executive and management expert Arjan Molenkamp teaches leaders how to respond to these new challenges and opportunities so they don’t get left behind.
If you are ready to create a change environment that drives development and innovation, grow your career and drive your organisation to success, this book is for you.
Books edited by Grammar Factory
The Austrgradient_textalian Career Passport – Lawrence Arnold

In his second book, Melbourne career coach Lawrence Arnold has written The Australian Career Passport for Australian job seekers, new graduates and new arrivals seeking new jobs – and the career coaches helping them.
The Australian Career Passport helps readers audit their skills and understand the hiring processes of recruiters and employers, while targeted job search exercises help them adjust to the new recruitment environment.
Since this book has come out, Lawrence has had a number of ‘surprise buyers’ come out of the woodwork, including a school in Western Australia who bought copies for each of their career counsellors and educational consultants in two state Department of Education consultancy positions, and he is now developing for school-based career counsellors.
He also mentioned the impact publishing his second career book had on establishing him as a thought leader:
I’d always been a thought leader, but previously could only have supported this element of career identity with various articles in various publications. The second book cemented my claim (think Moses coming down from the mountain with the two Tablets of the Law containing the Ten Commandments. If he’d only had five of the easy ones … much less kudos).
He’s now been elected as a Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, which gives him access to 28,000 Fellows throughout the world to help advance new projects.
And the best thing is that his two books – The Australian Career Mentor and The Australian Career Passport – now act as an integrated package of career strategies that can be adapted to pretty much any career situation.
Learn more at careermelbourne.com/australian-career-passport-book
Fit, Fab and Fifty+ – Jennifer Gale

If you are a woman 50 and over and you want to:
Fit, Fab and Fifty+ will show you how.
Author Jennifer Gale is fit, fab and 50+ who, at the age of 50, decided to become an amateur triathlete, learning to ride and swim in the process. Today she is an international speaker, researcher and certified wellness coach who helps other women find good health and fitness so they can feel fabulous and participate fully in their lives.
Learn more at fitnfiftyplus.com.au/9-things-every-fit-and-healthy-woman-needs-to-do
Happy Lawyer Happy Life – Clarissa Rayward

Research the world over is showing us that lawyers are unhappy in very large numbers. Here in Australia, current research suggests that one in three lawyers will experience depression at some stage during their careers. For anyone practising in law or considering it in their future, this statistic is both overwhelming and so very sad.
Written by Australian lawyer Clarissa Rayward, Happy Lawyer, Happy Life gives lawyers the tools they need to make the best of their career in the law and, perhaps more importantly, find happiness in their lives.
Clarissa’s own experience of managing unhappiness in her career is combined with the knowledge and wisdom of many other happy lawyers to create this practical guide – a must-read for anyone considering or navigating a career in the law.
Since publishing Happy Lawyer, Happy Life (which is Clarissa's second book), Clarissa has been featured in Lawyers Weekly, Legal Practice Intelligence and The Australian. (And this is after she received national coverage for her first book, Splitsville.)

Learn more about Happy Lawyer, Happy Life and get your copy at thehappyfamilylawyer.com/happy-lawyer-happy-life-book
Quantum Success – Matt Tamas

Have you ever hit a crossroads in your life? One pivotal moment where the next decision you had to make would change your life forever?
Written by high-performance life coach Matt Tamas, Quantum Success answers the question of whether it’s really possible to change your life. It presents a holistic approach to self-development that allows you to form your own Quantum Success Plan. Packed with expert guidance and practical exercises, this book takes you through ten key steps to changing your reality.
For Matt, who’s also a personal safety instructor, self-protection came to mean much more than the ability to prevail against physical violence. Protecting your self isn’t only about fending off violent forces – it’s about achieving your full potential: physically, mentally and emotionally.
After going through the editing process with Grammar Factory, we pitched Quantum Success to Morgan James Publishing and were excited when Matt was offered a traditional publishing contract! Stay tuned for the book's official release early next year.
Learn more at matttamas.com.
Reinvent your personal Safety – Matt Tamas (yes, Matt’s been busy!)

In a world prey to distressing statistics when it comes to violence against women, what can you do to keep yourself safe?
Reinvent Your Personal Safety answers this question with a holistic approach to self-protection that allows you to form your own personal safety plan. Packed with expert guidance and practical exercises, this book takes you through three key principles for successful self-protection, explained in terms of simple tools and strategies that you can put into practice to keep yourself safe.
Matt turns on its head the idea that a book on self-protection must be for the fit, flexible woman of a certain age, who can train in martial-arts-style combat and hold her own on the mats if she learns certain techniques.
This book is for the high-school girl, for the grandmother, for the young professional, for the working mother – anyone who is willing to explore what they’re capable of and key into what self-protection is really about.
In three parts, Reinvent Your Personal Safety teaches a principle-driven system of self-protection that begins with training the mind, that recognises the prevalent threat of the manipulative attacker, and that gives women a higher chance of keeping themselves safe from harm.
Like Quantum Success, the Grammar Factory team edited Reinvent Your Personal Safety before pitching it to Morgan James Publishing, and Matt got publishing deals for both books within a matter of months!
Learn more at matttamas.com/new-page-4
Seven Freedom Elements – Kylie Zeal

Is it possible to live every day with confidence and clarity while dealing with inevitable life challenges?
Life coach Kylie Zeal says ABSOLUTELY.
Seven Freedom Elements helps readers understand the essential foundations they need to move through life’s daily challenges with a sense of confidence, clarity and freedom.
While Kylie self-published her book late last year, in 2017 she got a traditional publishing deal with Morgan James Publishing, and she just received her first box of books!
In Seven Freedom Elements readers will learn:
Seven Freedom Elements was born out of years of research and thousands of hours with clients seeking to create a life of freedom. The resulting insights have been constructed into seven distinct elements required to live your most free life.
Learn more at kyliezeal.com/books/
And more to come!
These are just the books that have gone to print in 2017, but there are plenty more works in progress that will go to print in the coming months, which we’re very excited to share.
In the meantime, take a look at some of our other projects.
Ready to start your book?
That’s awesome! Contact us to find out how we can help.
You can also book an editing and publishing consultation with me here.