Editing Archives | Grammar Factory Publishing

Tag Archives for " Editing "

The 4 types of editing, and which one is right for you

If you’ve been researching editing and editors, you’ll know by now that there’s a wide range of services on offer. So how do you know what you’re going to get, and whether you’ll get your money’s worth?Read on to learn about the different types of editing, and which you need.Disclaimer: Before we get started, note […]

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Sure, anyone can write a book . . . but should they?

Don’t think you can write a book? Don’t worry, everyone can. In fact, I’ll teach you how.‘Anyone can write a book’ is a favoured marketing line used by writing coaches and similar professionals across the globe to get you to buy their products and services. Now the purists in my field often respond by saying […]

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If your editor wants to talk, pick up the phone!

I’ve had two recent cases of client telephone (or email) tag.The first was a post-editing consultation – I’d made a lot of changes to the entrepreneur’s book and had recommended adding a couple of new chapters, and was keen to discuss my changes and their ideas before he submitted the book for a second round […]

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Why are there typos in my edited book?!

Occasionally I have a client comment that they found typos in their book after a structural edit.Most of the time they’re okay about it – they realized that we significantly reworked their content, chopped a third of their word count, created a five-step process from 28 unrelated chapters, consolidated repetition and made detailed recommendations on […]

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5 keys to a good author-editor relationship

You send your book off to the editor, and a few weeks later your masterpiece returns. Where there was confusion, there’s clarity. Your prose has turned into poetry.What’s not to love?Unfortunately, not all author-editor relationships run this smoothly. Read on for our top 5 keys to enjoy a good author-editor relationship.1. Deliver your manuscript on timeFew […]

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Think content is king? Think again

Content is important – no argument here. After all, it doesn’t matter how much style you have if there’s no substance. However, for your content to have any impact, it needs to be delivered in an easily-digestible form. You create this with your structure.Why structure is so importantWhile many people think an editor focuses on […]

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Editing a book manuscript

Editing webinar – all you need to know

Have you been humming and hawing about hiring an editor? Maybe you think you can do the editing yourself (after all, you’re the one who wrote the book!). Maybe you’ve Googled ‘editors’, and you’re overwhelmed by choice. Or maybe you just don’t know if you’re going to get your money’s worth. In this free webinar, discover: […]

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What to look for in an editor

When you’re hiring someone to pick your book apart and put it back together as they see fit, correcting all of those pesky apostrophes and typos as they go, you want to make sure you find the right person.So how do you do choose an editor? Everyone can say, do or be anything online, so […]

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