NaNoWriMo and how to survive it | Grammar Factory Publishing

NaNoWriMo and how to survive it

Welcome to November, aka National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo)!

From November 1-30, writers from around the world commit to writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

Just just 30 days you could be calling yourself a novelist.

In 2019 there were 798,162 active novelists signed up and 367,913 novels completed.

What’s your excuse?

For those of you brave enough, motivated enough and crazy enough to step up to the challenge, here are some resources that might help:

Tips for Surviving the Agony and Ecstasy of NaNoWriMo

by Jenny Hansen

Jenny Hansen is an avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm. Write on!

NaNo Prep: Do You Know What to Plan in Advance

by Jami Gold

After her hostile takeover of LexCorp—er, after a decade of writing boring technical manuals and project plans, Jami Gold decided to become a novelist. That way she could put her talent for making up stuff to good use, including winning the 2015 National Readers’ Choice Award in Paranormal Romance.

Fueling the Muse: Part One and Part Two

by Kristen Lamb

Kristen Lamb is the creator of the perennial branding and social media guide book, Rise of the Machines–Human Authors in a Digital World. Additionally, she was the author of the #1 best-selling books We Are Not Alone–The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer.

A selection of NaNoWriMo comics, musicals and songs (just for fun)​

by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Debbie Ridpath Ohi is the author-illustrator of Where Are My Books? and Sam & Eva (Simon & Schuster). Her illustrations also appear in books by Judy Blume, Michael Ian Black, Rob Sanders and Lauren McLaughlin, among others. For more info, see

How I wrote a 34,000 word book in 3 days, and how you can too

by Jacqui Pretty

After years of copywriting and nonfiction editing (as Founder of Grammar Factory!), Jacqui's writing fiction for the first time (eek!). So, stay tuned for videos on plotting and pantsing, finding book ideas, writing vlogs and more at!

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