self-publishing Archives | Grammar Factory Publishing

Tag Archives for " self-publishing "

3 Self-Publishing Financing Sources to for Funding Your Book

If you’re self-publishing a book to support your business, you’ll eventually have to think about how you’ll be funding you book and its publication.Many entrepreneurs simply treat their book as a business expense. So, before looking at alternative funding sources, talk to your accountant about how you might finance your book within your business’s operating […]

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Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing

Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing

You’ve written a book, or are in the middle of your first draft, and you’ve started thinking about your publishing options. Should you try to get a traditional publishing deal, or would self-publishing make more sense for you and your book?Over the past decade, publishing has changed. Fifteen years ago, traditional publishing was the only […]

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Sure, anyone can write a book . . . but should they?

Don’t think you can write a book? Don’t worry, everyone can. In fact, I’ll teach you how.‘Anyone can write a book’ is a favoured marketing line used by writing coaches and similar professionals across the globe to get you to buy their products and services. Now the purists in my field often respond by saying […]

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The power of a paperback (and why you shouldn’t just write an eBook)

With growing numbers of qualified professionals offering their services to first-time authors, the power of publishing for entrepreneurs is becoming more widely recognised. After all, publishing a book establishes you as an instant expert, which then leads to a range of opportunities that come with expert status – media appearances, keynote gigs, charging higher rates and, […]

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3 steps to project manage your first book

So you want to write a book… but where do you start?What most people do is set the goal of writing a book, set themselves a deadline, and then write ferociously until they run out of steam (this usually takes two to four weeks). Soon the weeks turn into months, and by the time their […]

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How to nail the blurb for your business book

While everyone says you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, the truth is that your potential readers are doing this every day. And it’s not just the front cover, either – in a printed book, your back cover is just as important. And the key to an attention-grabbing back cover is a gripping back […]

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5 tips to get your book in stores

Today’s post is by author and Grammar Factory editor Sara Litchfield. Sara is the author of dystopian thriller The Night Butterflies, and recently discovered that as a self-published author, getting your book in stores on the shelf of a major bookstore chain can be as easy as simply asking the question. Read on for her top five tips […]

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So, you think you can write a book? Then what?

I’d imagined for many years what it would be like to write a full-blown book. Not a large blog post, but a book – one that you could touch and feel.Most of my adult life I have thought of this idea; however, with the exception of a few paragraphs here and there, in developing blogs […]

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3 things I wish I knew before self-publishing

Pat Fitzpatrick is an Irish writer who just self-published his first novel Keep Away From those Ferraris. A few months later, and what does he wish he new before self-publishing? (originally published at’s over a month since I self-published my new thriller. Now that I have some distance from all the madness, it’s time to warn others what it […]

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