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Tag Archives for " self-publishing "

The honest facts on becoming a self-publisher

Today’s post is by Nick Ruffilo, the CIO/CTO of, who recently leaped into self-publishing. Read on for an honest look into the value of editing, the tricks of packaging and distribution, and his strategies to get more sales with marketing and PR.On becoming a self-publisherI’ve been involved in publishing startups for the a little over six years […]

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Self-Publishing: It Takes a Village

Originally published by The Huffington Post, in this article Lindsay Pyfer shares her experience of self-publishing an anthology, and how even the most established writers need an experienced team to bring a book to life.***Are you or your group thinking about self-publishing a book? If so, there are some things you’ll want to know before you get started […]

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How to launch your book online using social media

Begins when you publish. Whether you are a traditionally published author, hybrid author or independently self-publishing, you will need to market your book and online is the place to do it. So, here’s our step-by-step guide on how to launch your book online using social media.Today’s post is by author and social media marketing strategist […]

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Are self-published authors really authors?

Last week Dr Jim Taylor published a blog post on Seattle PI where he debated whether or not self-published authors are really authors (and whether or not they are really published, for that matter).From his post: “At the same time, the self-publishing industry has allowed anyone with a computer and a small amount of money […]

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Why you should self-publish your book

In 2012 I was a snob. I believed that self-publishing was for amateurs, and any writer worth her salt would get a deal with a traditional publisher.Six months into 2013, my perspective flipped. Not only was I an advocate for self-publishing, but I created a business to work with self-publishing entrepreneurs.So why do I think […]

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